Welcome to Calgary Waldorf, where childhood is an adventure.
By nourishing the mind and senses with an experiential approach, the Calgary Waldorf School's Early Childhood Programs foster the development of the whole child, and provide a solid foundation for future academic study.
A sense of reverence and gratitude is woven throughout early childhood learning experiences. Young children are inherently good, and we know that highlighting the good around them positively impacts how they experience the world.
Early childhood programs are housed in our kinderwing, an enchanting play-based sanctuary that serves as a natural transition from the security of home life to school. Here, young children are met with imaginative, creative play, that is both structured and unstructured.
The kinderwing is alive with activity, but unhurried as children follow the rhythms of the days and seasons — this is an integral part of early learning and growth. Watercolour painting, beeswax modelling, crafts, daily chores, and baking all hone children's fine and gross motor skills. Fairy tales, puppet plays, and songs nourish their language development, social interactions, and self-expression. Their creativity is stimulated as they transform simple, natural materials into toys and settings for play and adventure. The adventure continues outdoors with the wooden play structures, sand pit, and forest that make up the kinderyard.
Junior Kindergarten
For Children 3 years old by September 1
Children must be born between Jan. 1/21 and Aug. 31/22 to apply for enrolment for the 2025/26 school year.
This program is best suited for older 3 and 4 year-old children (Born between Jan.1, 2021 and Feb. 28, 2022).
There are limited spaces for children aged 3 to 3 ½ (Born between Mar. 1 and Aug. 31, 2022).
All Children must be toilet trained and able to independently attend to their toileting needs.
5 MORNINGS OR FULL DAYS PER WEEK (Wait pool for 2025/26)
8:22 am to Noon or 3:00 pm | Monday - Friday
3 MORNINGS OR FULL DAYS PER WEEK (Wait pool for 2025/26)
8:22 am to Noon or 3:00 pm | Monday, Wednesday and Friday
2 MORNINGS OR FULL DAYS PER WEEK (Available for 2025/26)
8:22 am to Noon or 3:00 pm | Tuesday & Thursday
7:30 am Before Care / 3:00 to 5:30 pm After Care available
Please complete and return an Application for Admission form if you wish to have your child included on our registration list.
Our Kindergarten class offers a mixed age group for children 4 years 8 months to 6 years of age compromising of the following three program options.
For 2025/2026 Enrolment
Children must be born between Sept 1/19 and Dec. 31/20 (Turning 5 by Dec. 31)
5 days per week: 8:22 am to 3:00 pm
Children must be born between Sept 1/19 and Dec. 31/20 (Turning 5 by Dec. 31)
5 days per week: 8:22 am to 12:00 pm
This program is for 5 years 8 months and 6 year-old children who have already attended kindergarten, but would benefit from a transition year before entering Grade One.
Children must be born Sept 1/19 and Dec 31/19 (Turning 6 by Dec. 31)
5 days per week: 8:22 am to 3:00 pm
Joyful Beginnings
Expectant parents, or those planning to have a baby, are also most welcome to attend.
Joyful Beginnings offers a warm, supportive introduction to our school community for children and their parents. Through conversation and experiential activities, Joyful Beginnings offers a chance to socialize with other parents of young children. Through the Waldorf lens, the program shares insight on infant developmental stages and how to support a child's healthy development, helpful hints to support family life, and an opportunity to build a repertoire of songs, verses and movement activities.
One Morning Per Week (6 Classes)
9am - 10:30am
Cost: $150
Date: TBD
Where: School office at 515 Cougar Ridge Drive S.W. or by phone at 403-287-1868
To receive notification of our next Joyful Beginnings program, please email info@calgarywaldorf.org
Registration Procedure for the Joyful Beginnings Program
Registrations will be taken on a first come first served basis in person, or by telephone at the Calgary Waldorf School office. Infants attending the program must be 18 months old or younger.
Full payment is due at the time of registration to confirm your family’s placement in the program.
Parent(s) and their infant/toddlers up to the age of 18 months
Parent & Tots
18 months – 36 months old (as of program start date)
This is an excellent way to learn more about the Waldorf approach to early childhood. Children and their caregivers participate in free play both indoors and outside, circle-time with seasonal songs and rhymes, puppet play, and snack. During playtime for the children, the adults gather to share caregiving experiences, ask questions, and make seasonal crafts and simple Waldorf inspired toys. Each week, articles on Waldorf Education are shared for further reading at home, complementing the discussions had during class.
To ensure that you and your child are happy and comfortable during the program, we encourage you to dress appropriately for all weather conditions.
Younger siblings of children registered in the program are also welcome to attend.
Saturday Morning (8 weeks)
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Spring Session 2025 - FULL
(Child’s birth date between Apr. 1, 2022 and Sept 1, 2023)
8 classes from Mar. 22 – May 31, 2025
No classes: Apr. 12, 19 & May 17, 2025
8 Week Fees
$295 per session payable in full at registration.
Registration Dates for 2025/2026
Fall Session: Friday, June 6, 2025 at 9:00 am
Spring Session: Friday, December 5, 2025 at 9:00 am
Registration Procedure
Registrations will be taken on a first come first served basis at the Calgary Waldorf School office on the first day of registration. Following each registration date we will continue to take registrations during regular school office hours, in person or by telephone 403-287-1868, until the classes are filled.
Payment is due at the time of registration to confirm your family’s placement in the program.
Cancellation Policy 8 week sessions
$50 is non-refundable. The remaining fees will be refunded providing we receive written notice prior to September 1 for the fall session or March 1 for the spring session. There are no pro-rated refunds for withdrawals after the session has commenced.