Before and
After Care
Before and after school care
We offer aftercare to children enrolled in our Junior Kindergartenl and Kindergarten programs, and in Grades One to Six. We know it is preferable for children to go home with their parents after their regular classes, but when this is not possible, we believe it is best to provide extended care in an environment consistent with the Waldorf School values and approach to childhood development.
Our staff members have qualifications and training in Early Childhood Development and Education, The programs are held in the Kinderwing, and the staff work closely with our teaching staff to provide a smooth transition for each child from their regular classes to the After Care program.
After Care Hours/Days
Both the Early Childhood Before Care and After Care, for Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten students, and the Grade School After Care, for grades 1 – 6 students, operate each full school day from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Before and After Care will not operate on the School’s holidays, organizational days, during parent-teacher conversations, professional development days or on days with noon dismissal.
Before Care – beginning at 7:30 a.m.
Early drop off is available for children enrolled in Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs. This is subject to minimum enrolment.
Daily Routine
Early Childhood children are gathered from their classrooms by the After Care staff. Their daily routine includes a late afternoon snack (provided by the program), free-play indoors and/or outdoor play time. More detailed information is provided at the beginning of the school year.
Grade School children are met by the After Care staff member on the playground at 3:00 pm and after a period of outdoor play they go to their Classroom in the Kinderwing for a snack (provided by the program), followed by time for indoor play, games, reading or homework until picked up by their parent.